Kindergarten Features: For children development foundation, paving the way for the growth of teachers, childcare for parents escort!
Kindergarten Concept: Art curriculum; permeability of arts education; health and happiness of sports; a variety of practical activities!
Kindergarten Purposes: Let the children happy, healthy development, and lay the foundation for the development of a child's life!
Kindergarten Target: Professional education pre-school with artistic features .with artistic features .with excellent social service ability!
电话:0512-66033330 / 0512-66035550 地址:苏州市吴中区木渎镇金山浜花园小区内
版权所有:苏州市吴中区木渎镇金山浜幼儿园 苏ICP备16001610号-1 技术支持:仕德伟科技